Data science

Introducing the fumbbl_replays Python package for Blood Bowl

The **fumbbl_replays** package is a Python utility package for the board game Blood Bowl. It allows users to plot board positions, either from scratch, or from existing (FUMBBL) game logs. In addition, it has some functionality to analyze FUMBBL game logs.

Nufflytics: Analyzing Blood Bowl matches from FUMBBL using Python

This blogpost is about **Blood Bowl**, a boardgame I started playing last year. The idea of this blog post is to showcase some possible analyses that can be done on the FUMBBL match data I've compiled.

Using R to analyse the Roche Antigen Rapid Test: How accurate is it?

This blog post is about the Roche Rapid Antigen Test Nasal. How accurate is it? I tracked down the data mentioned in the kit's leaflet, discuss the whole measurement process and used R to reproduce the sensitivity and specificity of the test.

Simulating Fake Data in R

This blog post is on simulating fake data using the R package [simstudy]( Motivation comes from my interest in converting real datasets into synthetic ones.

Exploring Process Mining in R

In this post, we'll explore the BupaR suite of Process Mining packages created by Gert Janssenswillen of Hasselt University.